Robin Yount Private Signing

 This was a return I was actually nervous about not coming back, since the guy who organized the signing with Robin Yount had put my card in the mail over a month ago and it did not show up until yesterday.  I've used this gentleman on quite a few occasions, so I did not think the issue was on his side but the USPS.  Sure enough, when the envelope arrived it had many markings on it, as if it went to the wrong place and then got redirected at a later time.

I have to admit, I always gamble by using standard white envelopes and shipping on my returns, so the fact that none of my items have been lost in the past (either through TTM requests directly to the athlete or through a set up signing like this one) is actually quite lucky.  There is no tracking when I do it this way so there really is no recourse if something goes awry on the return back.  

This is the first signed item I have of Mr. Yount. 


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