Wayne Gretzky

Many moons ago, when I was around eleven or twelve years old, I sent a card into the best player in NHL history, Wayne Gretzky, to see if I could get his autograph through the mail. It was the very first time I had ever attempted a through the mail autograph, so imagine my surprise when my 1993/94 Upper Deck card came back signed! It automatically became the biggest autograph in my collection. Keep in mind I'm a Los Angeles Kings fan so this particular card meant even more to me. 

Fast forward 25 years and I find out through being in and around the autograph hobby that Gretzky was notorious for using what is called an autopen during the time in which I received my card. That clearly set alarm bells ringing and sure enough, when I did some research on mine, the card I had for all those years was autopen. Autopen is a machine that will sign the person's autograph, so it really is their autograph, just not signed by them personally. Not ideal!

I tried getting his autograph through the mail again a few years ago when people were having success from him randomly, but my mail never came back. All of this is to say that Gretzky is someone I have wanted in my collection for a long, long time. Finally, I decided it was just time to go the purchasing rout as his autographs aren't getting any cheaper. 

This is a 2022-23 Upper Deck Stature hockey on card blue ink autograph numbered 13/25. Just a really pretty card and I'm stoked to finally have an authentic Wayne Gretzky in my collection. I'm really pleased with my pick.  


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