Mike Trout private signing

I mentioned on my last post that I was going to have a huge name added in my next addition to my collection, and I was not exaggerating. Mike Trout was doing a private signing with Major League Alumni and the OC Dugout in Anaheim announced they'd be having items available through this signing.  The price was high, but it will only go up.  I paid for a ball to be signed with the 2012 Rookie of the Year inscription. The signing also came with authenticity from Major League Baseball. Here is the result;
I slotted this ball into my Hall of Fame case since I don't quite have enough current Hall of Famers to fill up every spot yet.  It looks good next to the Albert Pujols ROY ball.  If you forgot about how I came across the Pujols ball, you can read about that here.

Thank you for reading!


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