And now for something completely different

 As people who follow this blog know, I am a member of some Facebrook groups that specialize in different areas of the autograph game.  One of the groups is called Autographs 101, and I have been seeing some people posting in that group that they have been having some success in finding signed books at places like Goodwill or the DAV.  I was driving by one the other day, and for the first time in my life I stepped foot into one of the stores.  It was moderately successful, as I found a hard copy book of Origin, which is the recent book in the Davinci Code, signed by author Dan Brown.  The price point for these signed books by Mr. Brown are all over the place but apparently he's only had a few signing events in the US in his life, so it's not like he is a super common auto.  Either way, I paid the $2 for the book and brought it home.  I am not entirely sure what my plan is, as I don't really collect signed books.  You can't really display them.  I am currently debating whether to make a Davinci Code piece with the Tom Hanks and Brown autos I have, or just sell the book for a profit. 


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