Dominik Hasek private signing

 A couple months ago, former NHL outstanding goaltender and Hall of Famer Dominik Hasek had a signing and I sent into it. The reason I'm posting about this two months later is that it took that long for me to get my signed card back from the third party individual I used to get the card signed. This is the first time I've experienced this issue in my five plus years of using I was told a few times afterward that he bad not yet gotten around to shipping but when I asked again for the last time, he mentioned I hadn't sent in an SASE with my request. An SASE is a self addressed stamped envelope and it's something I send with every through the mail request I send in whether it's directly to the athlete or through a third party like in this case. Of course I'd sent one in, so what likely happened here was a mistake on the other end where the SASE was misplaced or something else happened where things got unorganized. When I contacted the third party for the last time he stated he still had my card, so at least my marking of the card worked out. I promptly sent a payment via Venmo to ship the card ASAP, which he did, and it's now in my possession.

All things considered, I'm quite happy with how this came out. It's Hasek's rookie Upper Deck card and the signature on this js a strong one.


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